No, not from the players, although there appears to be a hell of a lot of that, but from some, and I emphasise the some, supporters.
People come on and pupport to be wakefield 'till I die etc... but as soon as the times get tough, be it the coaches fault, players fault or david camerons fault, they say OK I'm done! Never going again etc....
Not exactly Wakefield 'till I Die then is it!
It's more like Wakefield 'as long as we are winning or at least trying a bit.
No one wants to sit and watched a poorly coached team apparantly not try too hard and keep getting hammered, i agree, we may not want to, but as fans, that's what we do.
If (or when

) we get relegated, is that such a bad thing? Is Super league the be all and end all of Rugby League,
no of course it isn't. We have been in the lower tiers before, as have many other teams, and come back. Nothing to say we won't do it again.
I have seen some shocking half d performances from Trinity over the last 40 years, I have seen a team of Tryers get beat, and teams that were just going through the motions get beat. I don't have any answers, all i do is turn up, watch. enjoy (or not) and go home. It's not life or death, it's sport, we choose where to spend our money, if it is a the game great. if it;s not, so be it, BUT, if you claim to Wakefield 'till I die, you will be there, Good, Bad, Appalling, abject indifference or whatever.
For the record, i'm disillusioned with what's going on, but, I can't change it, i can voice my opinion, but it is down to them that run the club to do as they see fit.
Disagree with may, as I am sure many will, but I'll still be there at Leigh, Batley, Workington or wherever, will you?