OK - so we seem to be a little bit light on numbers - but we'll proceed non-the-less.
The event will run from 10am until 4pm - that's a long day!
We have managed to arrange for the community department to help us out between 10am and 1pm - so we will need a skeleton staff only from SWAG - to assist and co-ordinate matters.
From 1pm to 2pm we expect a little bit of a lull, but would hope again to have 4-6 people to man the stand.
From 2pm to 4pm we would hope to have a few of you turn up to help for 2 hours.
So it would be helpful if folk could let us know whether they can cover 1, 2 ot 3 of the periods as below:
a 10am to 12noon.
b 12noon to 2pm
c 2pm to 4pm
I will be there for most of the day - apart from the odd tea-break - so that's a, b and c for me.
I have an idea for something to look good for the photo's - but it needs your help. Would it be possible for some of you to apear in sports clothing? Rugby / Football / Cricket (for Al) Tracksuits - whatever, as long as it is sports related!! There will hopefully as well be a limited number opf T-shirts made up for the occassion, but the sports idea would help to show the purpose of what this campiagn is all about. I would even ask whether some of the juniors might come along in their sports kits as they have so much to gain from it - over to the mums and dads for that one!
Finaly - we may have a focal point at 3pm - but that's a secret (Ken Davy style).
So - back to you lot and a show of hands please - we reely want to see those hands!