Leeds by 40+...sad to say.
Looking at the record books for least number of points scored in a season (438 @ 16 a game), most conceded (1,227 @ 46 a game), biggest +/- difference (789 @ 29 and change per game) and I'm hopeful that at least this may be a record-breaking season for the club
Someone may well stick 100 points on us this season and that, will probably be the catalyst for DH to finally walk away

and the club can either learn to survive, or simply vanish into the annuls of RL history as proof that the game will not thrive in the South without the 100% backing of those in the north.
I'm 15 years down here now and following the NZ warriors, no matter how many times we flatter to deceive (like every bloody year), it is a different world. Communications, fan engagement, matchday experience, Special offers....I am sure there are UK clubs doing the same, but this is a side outside of the heartlands, travelling thousands of miles a season who RESPECT their fans!