Quote mapleyther="mapleyther"Totally agree, the problem is that freebies become expected and the norm, suddenly there can be a thought that the fans are entitled to it. It all costs money to do at the end of the day and it's one thing to suggest it, it's another to pay for it!'"
Excuse me sir, no I do not expect freebies to be the 'norm'. No I do not expect the club to have handed me my free season ticket, my free cup tickets, my free LISA membership, or to return my additional donations I made to LISA when the club was at rock bottom or to refund the difference between the concession admission price and the adult admission price that I pay in order to help the club just that little bit extra.
If you also read the 'Free coach to Fev' thread you will see I quite clearly do not expect free travel to that game either and actually questioned the benefit of it
As I suggested the possibility of securing free travel to the Leeds cup game, your little dig is obviously aimed at me. If you kindly re read my post you will find I did not say that the club should pay for it did I ?
The intention is to target and find local businesses who would be willing to [isponsor[/i a coach so the club could actually[i make[/i money on the extra match tickets sold and to ensure our lads out on the park have a following befitting of the occasion and one that represents a club with genuine Super League ambitions.
If there are no sponsors forthcoming then so be it, at least the club tried to maximise the opportunity and in case anyone may be of any doubt. regardless if it was free, £2, £12 or £22 on the coach it wlll not deter me from travelling up to Headingley on the Friday neet.
Some folk !