I take your point about these grounds ie. not so much a unified ground, more a piece of grass with four, unconnected stands around it. To be honest, I've no idea what kind of ground is envisaged and to the best of my knowledge no definite 'plans' have ever been commissioned (though I reserve the right to be wrong on that

) and its actual makeup was always a bit vague intention and dependent on the funds available. For what it's worth I'd guess you are probably right about permanent v temporary.
My main thought is that sometimes, maybe in a desire to get on with things, early thoughts are made public before the details have been gone into and the speaker then becomes 'boxed' into a corner by a promise, which on further thought turns out to be not really feasible or, at least, not necessarily the best option for the funds available. It could be, of course, that some plans were in fact done and OK feels these can be funded (the pop side bit, at least).
It's certainly true that any cover on the pop side is likely to be a big driver in raising gates. Season ticket sales seem to be much as the more experienced observers thought they would be and the matchday 'walk up is going to be an important part of profitability and I reckon the weather makes a fair old difference. Odsal fans are well used to being in the wet but that doesn't mean they like it, nor does it mean that many aren't put off when the weather is looking dodgy. I think, maybe the best thing for the club to do, fairly soon, is to make the plans a bit more specific and maybe include some intended dates.
For me, from my seat far enough back in the stand to only feel a splash on the windiest days, it's easy to be unconcerned, but I do hope it comes off - if not this season then next.