Don't see why not . . . . . . strikes me folks will need something to do on these dark winter nights.
Couple of things that need to be kept in mind:-
Copyright . . . . . [ianything [/iused will need to be the "artists" own work [uor[/u they must be able to provide confirmation of agreement from the copyright holder to say that they are fine with any such material being used. If they can't, it'll be removed and the AUP wafted in the posters general direction.
. . . . so that rules out any T&A pics ([iprobably[/i) and more or less anything else
Size . . . . . [iIS[/i important - don't let anyone else tell you anything different; here or in life
I'd suggest that you copy the current banner and use that as a size template. There's probably a smarter way, but I'm stuffed if I can think of it
Timescale . . . . . post any prospective entrys on FA's thread (this one)
=#FF0000Prospective entries / Best and Final offers to be posted on here by 21:00 on Weds 30th November . . . . GMT. - it'll then be locked.
I'll put a poll together, asap, after that so that folks can "vote" for their top three entries. Highest vote on the poll wins the "prestige"

Actual voting to end - it'll be locked - on Weds 14th December @ 21:00 GMT.
Winning banner will the be up as soon as we're able to get those nice people in admin to "do the do" . . . . and, hopefully, it can be your own personal Xmas present from RAB and the "artist"
not getting into a debate about "[iwho are we actually sponsoring this year? Shouldn't they be on the banner?[/i" . Been there, done it, got the tee-shirt. It's not happening, don't bother asking
Personally I'm hoping, and looking forward to, BillyRhino's entry this year

Perhaps we'll get in on time
FA - hope you don't mind too much that I amended your title thread. Seemed safest thing to do. . . . .