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| I'm off on holiday this week so posting this now even though there are no Super League games because of the Challenge Cup.
This week's results
[uWeek 19[/u
Widnes 0 Wigan 7 - Wigan by 7
Salford 30 Huddersfield 31 - Huddersfield by 1
St Helens 48 Hull KR 16 - St Helens by 32
Wakefield 6 Leeds 32 - Leeds by 26
Warrington 20 Catalans 18 - Warrington by 2
Castleford 22 Hull FC 24 - Hull FC by 2
This week's scores (If anyone thinks their score is wrong, please let me know on the forum or PM me and I will check it)
7 Him (Predictor of the week)
6 Degsie2511, Ennjay, Rhino46, Sarahgrhino, Steve Slippery Morris
5 Ducknumber1, Jamie101, JMT, John Boy 13, Southstander.com, Steamy
4 BRK, Broad Ings Warrior, Carisma HFC, Cuppabrew, Dave1612, Deanos Rhinos, Finglas, Foxy Rhino, Frosties, Rhinos69, Rodhutch, Rotherhamrhino, The Biffs Back, Tvoc
3 Biff Tannen, Highbury Rhino, Old Feller, Phil Clarke, Taxi4stevesmith, Tigertot, WF Rhino, Xykojen
Overall table
85 Sarahgrhino
84 Frosties
81 Broad Ings Warrior, Rhino46
80 John Boy 13
78 Highbury Rhino
77 Ducknumber1
76 Southstander.com
74 Taxi4stevesmith
73 Tigertot, Tvoc
72 Carisma HFC, Dave1612
71 JMT, The Biffs Back
70 Foxy Rhino, Steve Slippery Morris
69 Deanos Rhinos, Jamie101, Rhinos69
68 Rodhutch
67 Mr. Zucchini Head, Steamy, WF Rhino
66 Phil Clarke
64 Cuppabrew, Ennjay, Rotherhamrhino
63 BRK
62 Xykojen
61 Biff Tannen, Degsie2511, Finglas
58 Old Feller
56 Him
49 Priest
46 TadRhino
44 Rhino-Mark
35 Rhinodav
20 Steakpie
15 Loiner81
13 Venga
11 Scary Jester
9 Otleyrhino
4 LS28_rhino, Xparksider
3 Ali, Hopie
2 Man of steel 07
It's the Challenge Cup this week so the next predictions are for the games 30th June - 3rd July
If people could please post their predictions in the format of just the 3 letter code listed below for each team and then the margins, it would be appreciated (or just type DRAW for a draw prediction).
Huddersfield (HUD) v Hull FC (HFC)
Hull KR (HKR) v Warrington (WAR)
Salford (SAL) v Castleford (CAS)
Catalans (CAT) v Wigan (WIG)
Leeds (LEE) v Widnes (WID)
Wakefield (WAK) v St Helens (STH)
Good luck