Last week of the regular season and everything still to play for to make the top 8 in the prediction league.
This week's results
Week 26
St Helens 12 Warrington 39 - Warrington 27
Wigan 21 Leeds 6 - Wigan by 15
Bradford 12 Widnes 32 - Widnes by 20
Castleford 26 Wakefield 22 - Castleford by 4
Huddersfield 38 Hull FC 28 - Huddersfield by 10
Hull KR 14 Catalans 32 - Catalans by 18
Salford 58 London 26 - Salford by 32
This week's scores (If anyone thinks their score is wrong, please let me know on the forum or PM me and I will check it)
9 BRK (Predictor of the week)
8 Frosties
7 DuckNumber1, Sarahgrhino, The Eagle
6 Him, Jamie101, LFCPatriotRhino, Sparkles, Tad Rhino
5 FoxyRhino, Highbury Rhino, John boy 13, Old Feller, Priest, RhinoMS,, Steamy, SteveSlipperyMorris, The Biffs Back, Tvoc
4 EnnJay, Finglas, JMT, Rhinos69, RodHutch
3 Rhino46, Rotherhamrhino
The overall table is as follows (given we are coming into the final stage of the system, the total number of correct predictions, which is the determining factor between people with the same amount of points, is now shown in brackets)
142 (9) Jamie101
141 (icon_cool.gif Steamy
136 (6) Sarahgrhino
135 (10) Ducknumber 1
134 (4) JMT
133 (icon_cool.gif RhinoMS
133 (6)
133 (4) BRK, EnnJay, John Boy 13
132 (4) Old Feller
132 (3) Tad Rhino
131 (5) Frosties, Tvoc
130 (icon_cool.gif Finglas
130 (3) Sparkles
129 (5) Rhinos69
129 (4) RodHutch
128 (3) SteveSlipperyMorris
128 (2) The Biffs Back
127 (2) Priest
126 (6) Highbury Rhino
126 (2) Rhino46
125 (3) FoxyRhino
124 (icon_cool.gif LFCPatriotRhino
122 (1) Rotherhamrhino
118 (6) Him
118 (3) The Eagle
61 (1) Dave1612
46 (1) LeedsLeedsLeeds
1 DoubleAone
This week's fixtures:
Wigan (WIG) v Warrington (WAR)
Huddersfield (HUD) v St Helens (STH)
Hull FC (HFC) v Leeds (LEE)
salford (SAL) v Widnes (WID)
Catalans (CAT) v Castleford (CAS)
London (LON) v Bradford (BRA)
Wakefield (WAK) v Hull KR (HKR)
If people could please post their predictions in the format of just the 3 letter code listed below for each team and then the margins, it would be appreciated (or just type DRAW for a draw prediction).
If anyone feels like they wish to do so, they can PM me there predictions this week instead of posting them here.
Good luck and thanks for taking part this year
PS If someone would mind breaking the tie for 8th place nexr week, I would be grateful as otherwise I have to go through the whole season's results to break the tie