I have respect for the opinions of others on this subject and on the other subjects that we speak about on our forum.
Many times we will repectfully agree and disagree.
On this topic.
I have no animosity, ill feeling or whatever you may call it in a negative personel context at all against any club or the supporters of the clubs that are involved in the latest way of dual reg players.
However I do not feel that what some clubs are doing is in line with the tradition of the clubs involved or of the game as a whole but they have the right to choose.
Even sticking with the tradition of something is not automatically right but if and when you deviate from it especially with Rugby League it can badly backfire.
The game is hardly attracting new support and has clearly lost a lot of support because the game is "Not what it used to be".
An important point is if we ask.
"What are the motives of both the Super League clubs and the Championship clubs involved."
Is it for the betterment of the game or based on some selfish reasons.
As to "sticking together".
It seems the exact opposite is being done with the current dual reg process.
This is causing divisions in the game at every level from director, coaching staff, players, RL press, commentators, pundits and supporters etc etc.
Does not pulling together sometimes mean objecting to and opposing something that all the people above are not happy with.
Those responsible for this need to be told in every way we can of the dangers of this and the damage that this could cause.
Otherwise the identities, traditions and supporters of all the clubs outside Super League will be lost for good in a short period of time, that's how potentially serious this could easily become.
Anyway speech and moan over

see you all at York tomorrow and it will be a tough encounter that we will need to be up for.
We will be. Fax by 14 points.