Quote griff1998="griff1998"I would dispute this. Easter Monday attendances are usually poor. If I were running a club, I'd cheerfully choose an away game on Easter Monday.
Quite content to be proved wrong on the matter and there has been conflicting reports,based on Super League
[url=http://www.superleaguefans.com/rugby-league/10/04/2012/easter-crowd-sets-record-rfl-happy-bunnies.htmlHERE 2012[/url
[url=http://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2013/mar/26/super-league-set-of-sixSee Number 2 - a year later[/url
My main gripe is 2 away games in a tough 4 day turnaround,while other clubs go home and away - and Featherstone have 2 home games;the latter against the Eagles.
Advantage them,I think.
There was silly me thinking Leigh and Bradford were the favourites of the RFL....before I get to Batley and Donny.