Quote ladyref="ladyref"Sorry Sid but I have to disagree with you. The pass was certainly passed forward. I have a still picture taken from the SKY footage which shows the moment the ball leaves Hall's hands and his hands are pointing towards the Rovers try line which is what in the laws of the game constitutes a forward pass. Silverwood would have only looked at Halls hands as the direction that the ball travels is as per the laws of the game somewhat irrelevant although in this particular case a still of Raynor reaching forwards to collect the ball shows it being collected about 2 metres in front of where it was passed from.
Of course a oenalty could be awarded if it was judged to be deliberately thrown forwards but generally the team passing forwards is given benefit of the doubt.'"
I'd love to know how Silverwood could see Hall's hands from where he was

It clearly wasn't forward but this is even boring me now. Most fair minded Rovers fans (along with the vast majority of neutrals) have said it wasn't forward. IMO it was a turning point in the game but even I'm not blinkered enough to say we WOULD have won had it stood. Just a shame a tense and exciting game has been spoiled by a poor decision.