Granted the team is what matters, but Bobby Hope is potentially ruining the club. We need more fans urgently through the gate to finance the current team, but where does he expect these fans to come from? We have a small fan base and it is unlikely that people will just suddenly start turning up and become a 'new' fan. As a club we were making small steps until this season and had a competitive team under a managable budget. The powers that be have now gone for a 'sh*t or bust' business plan, have assembled an 'all-star' team and coupled with no significant increases in attendance, are now leaving us with the possibility of going bankrupt or becoming uncompetitive again a la gateshead. Lets face it, if we fail to win promotion, the tap will be switched off and we will have to re-build most of a new team for next season as we could not afford half the players we have on our books.
The lack of a cohesive business plan (or so it seems!) at the club is shocking and the communications from the club are minimal. This will not help when trying to attract new converts to the club or even getting 'the converted' out from their arm chair on a Sunday afternoon. Don't buy into the 'not being in Blackpool is the reason we cannot attract fans' argument. Think it is a false idea spun by the club officials to cover their backs at not being able to attract fans. Even if we did go back to Blackpool, can you see another 200/300 turn up? As stated elsewhere, FC fans travel from all over the Fylde to go to Bloomfield, so why wouldn't they travel to Lytham?
According to today's League Express MC was quoted as saying, after the Oldham match...
"Disappointed? Of course I am...but more than that I am seriously reviewing my position because of the things that are happening at the club. Internal issues are causing me problems. What's the point? I'm fighting a losing battle."
John Chadwick also remarked that the wheels have fallen off at the club, for various reasons' in his post-match speech.
MC is the best thing to happen to the club in it's existence, and we are now risking losing him- great stuff!