Gargoyle, Sorry for the rubbish typing earlier on i am using a smart phone and i am not very bright (typical broken down old rugby player

But IMHO the Tollbar forwards out played the Bentley pack, mainly because they didn’t have the go forward that they normally do. i do agree that big red going down early with injury could have been a key factor and i hope he gets over the rib injury quickly cause he will be a big loss to the side.
And the back line has finally clicked for Tollbar after a slow start to the season and i think after this performance and a close call against Nevison the week before they should hopefully now finish in the playoffs and realise their full potential.
you also pointed out that Bentley had an off day and that the some of the forwards were coming of a layoff, i think that is just sower grapes in IMHO as you could look at the Tollbar squad and see that is was nowhere near its full potential and also had 3-4 first choice players missing
This to me shows that the Tollbar squad are out to play for each other which should worry everyone in the league as at times they had 12 players on the pitch to Bentleys 13 and there was no chance of them crossing the line. And as for the sin binning offences they were a joke apart from the third one which was totally un called for and defiantly should have got a red card for both offences in my opinion as the bald headed Tollbar prop shouldn’t have struck out and the retaliation head but from the Bentley forward shouldn’t have been allowed.
Like I say these are just my opinions so please don’t take offence.
All the best to Bentley however and hopefully the two teams will meet again in the playoffs.