Quote J20="J20"TBH, we did the same last year... When needs must etc. Think Fax just paid big dollar this year and always planned to cut a few for a year when results MAY not matter, no talk of 2015 bids etc!'"
You have just published a £1million profit for last year, yet you were asking players to take a pay cut
I feel SOC will be stashing as much cash in the bank this year as he can in preperation for next year. All this talk of building a team is poop. You will buy a new team give or take a few that you have. Look at this Tharkeray situation, if Widnes thought he would be an asset in super League they would pull out the stops to keep him. The good news is that I reckon SOC plans putting together a really strong squad for you first year in Super League hence the cloth cutting now.
Also another clue is look at the players Cullen brought to Wire, he is used to getting world class players and will be in SOC ear to this affect. A mixture of home grown talent and world class players will be the order of the day. Now all he has to do is prove he can get the best from them