22/4 down and a poor ill disciplined first half that i thought put paid to my post that i wouldnt be surprised if we won and it would be a closer game than most predicted.
A magnificent second half both in defence and attack and what a difference it was
We looked good ball in hand and the team gave us the most exciting 40 minutes we have had since the C/C final against Warrington.
Liam knight looks to be a good pick up and with him and Liam Watts offloading we could cause teams problems with the space created.
If i had to criticise anything its Sezers kicking on the last tackle.Needs to vary it as its just an easy take for the defence and sets them on the front foot.
Other than that once again Sezer MOM.
Lewis Martin standing up Bevan French then taking him on on the outside was a classic
The thing about Sezer's kicking is something I've thought all season. He stands very deep in the pocket and it means that A. He's kicking on the back foot making it harder to find the floor. And B. A lot of the chasers are offside. It's a nitpick, but it's something I would be trying to work on if I was on the coaching staff.
The second half was as good as I've seen us play since 2017. The width and precision we attacked with was superb. Teams just don't cut Wigan up that easily, but we did it over and over again. I'm really excited about what this team can do.