I've been on here loads of times moaning about lack of singing at kc. What gets me is instead of everyone complaining why not just stand up and sing- whats the worst that could happen. We are the only ones who can change this. As for no singing at the widnes game because of the score-line whats the excuse for the same amount of singing at the wires game.
Tbh I think the atmosphere declined rapidly after the old theepenny came down and think we've not it got back since.
Your correct about the ammount of different songs we had, There was a song for just about every player. We've now got Yemo Yemo, Horney Horney and thats about it pretty crap really init?
Maybe its just a bottle thing and people are scared of looking daft if no-one joined in.
We seem a different animal away from home and sing more than anyone does when they come to us, although alcohol could be the key factor there. I know it is for people on the bus I go on