Quote Mrs Barista="Mrs Barista"Fair enough. 3 free games, plus the CC game, plus halfprice at the Magic weekend, plus the players BBQ event, means that we feel we get value for it. Personally I prefer the big one-off outlay after Christmas than shelling out every other week, but I understand completely that some like to pick and choose, particularly with holidays etc. I'm also hoping we get a decision on alcohol in the stands before season passes go on sale so I can move if it's re-introduced.
I completely agree which is why we've had passes for the last 8 years. To be honest I forgot about the CC game and we've not taken advantage of the MM or BBQ vouchers.
I personally just feel that this is my year to make a stand, as I said on the other thread I don't want the club to be worse off in fact I'd rather a few thousand fans followed the lead and didn't get the passes but ended up going anyway because the rugby is to good to miss. That way the club get the warning but end up being better off due to the extra being paid in walk up's (everyone is a winner). The club gets a fright and realise the can't take the pee and we get great rugby to watch

. In an ideal world obviously.