It is quite interesting

sometimes on here reading stuff, and then actually reading the coaches comments after games. There is a certain someone on here who does tend to go slightly OTT whenever we are behind in a game, and thankfully more often than not we've proven him wrong by coming back and winning

If though him, or anyone else for that matter, said something like, I have to question the mental resolve of some players, or, some of them raised the white flag and basically 'gave in' or words to that effect, they would be lambasted probably by most on here, for being negative, unrealistic etc, but that is exactly what CC said in his post match press conference, yet no-one actually comments on it on here?! Now obviously, he's a paid, qualified coach, the majority on here are fans, some ex players, maybe who have coached at levels as well, but if that is a coaches observation, then he's every right to express his views on the game, or should I say he's duty bound to do so. So, people who actually went last night, do you agree with his comments or not??
I couldn't make the game, or manage to hear it on the radio, so can only go on reports, and I've seen the tries. I'm slightly disappointed in the way the tries were scored in the 2nd half, I hoped before the game if we were still in it with 20 to go, we would finish the stronger because of their short turnaround etc, but hey ho, you can't win em all can you! Maybe things are levelling off a bit now, after all Salford have now lost 3 league games on the bounce, Huddersfield and Widnes are performing better, mainly because they have got some key men back. I still think we have a couple more wins in us, if we finish 5th or 6th after 23 games, that would be a terrific effort.