Quote vastman="vastman"Why are we shouting at each other (our type has gone bold)
I admire your resolve but I'm a gonna hope wise at the moment
Come on Vasty you love a good shout you teddy bear

I have no idea how it happened. If it all turns into caps lock too then we are getting aggressive
I knew the situation and believe it is correct for all parties. My aim here was to offer Rich a bit of support. We all need it at times. Not being sentimental or such like mate as I have stated I wouldn't have made the choices he has and feel the decision Is the right one. Sometimes in life things don't work out as planned and we make mistakes and or things don't go in our favour. I think all of those Account for Richard Agar. It obviously didn't work out as planned, he made mistakes and certain things didn't go in his favour.
Mr Agar has left and I wish him all the best. I like him and hope he does well. I'm not going to say he's going to make a brilliant coach because I would be lying. I really don't know. But if he keeps hold of his good attributes, learns from his mistakes and learns from his experiences here then hopefully he will progress and succeed.
Moving forward Good Luck Mr Webster. Again I can't account for his abilities but wish him all the best!