I got in to a little debate about this the all knowing font of knowledge on the Bulls forum.
Whenever any individuals written terms of a contract of employment are changed for any reason (including TUPE) an employee is allowed a "Reasonable" period of consultation, in line with employment law this consultation period runs the same as redundancies, it's been a while since I was involved in employment law and things have changed a bit and I agree that I am not up to speed on it all, but having gone through TUPE where my employer tried to change my written terms (Private health insurance and company car removed from my package) I refused TUPE and went through a 30 day consultation period as the option to not accepting TUPE was redundancy, interestingly enough I got offered an enhanced redundancy package as part of my consultation, which I took and the rest is history.
I don't think Carvell will be the only one in this position and baring in mind there is now another suitor for the bulls, and the administration purchased by the new BOD has not been fully approved then the TUPED contracts cannot have been enforced, as the newco has not been fully approved by the administrator.
Whatever response the FONT decides to post once he looks at this I won't be responding too, I know exactly what happened to me, it was only 2008 when it happened and I know what my statutory employment rights were, so no "Barrack room lawyer" can tell me different.

Forgot to mention, I had to sign a compromise agreement to ensure I couldn't sue for constructive dismissal, I got the wording changed so that it would allow any claim for disability discrimination and injury/accident, I had suffered a back problem due to incorrect desk ergonomics, and 6 months later sued them for a few more grand