Just a thought and possibly a crazy one

Could the club lend the money with payments deferred until New Market?
Under the old regime I am sure it was stated that the club predicted additional turnover of over 2 million p/a. If this is the case and with New Market looking more and more possible (provided we retain our SL status) and with MC stating that we had various businesses/groups/individuals interested in renting space at the ground would this not be a viable option.
If we are to believe what we have been informed (and I do have confidence in the guys at helm) and these figures are correct WTW as a business going forward has got prospects and most of all the capability to self fund and pay back its debts (as long as it is run appropriately).
I believe if we can just batten down the hatches and ride the storm until New Market the sun would shine...However, if relegation beckons then funding from the council could be lost along with new market and along with the future investment/earning potential.
Would this be a possibility... Or could the fans club together to give the club an interest free loan instead of the share scheme with the loan been quashed in say 10 years or given back as shares?