Quote J.T="J.T"Whilst I agree about Hall if Fox wasn't going to jump for the ball he could have at least stood between Hall and the try line so he at least had to run over/round him to score!'"
I'm sure he would given the chance again. Do you get it right in your job 100% of the time? I don't, I try but I don't. I've said it before nearly all tries come from an error in defence from the opposing side, most of ours did. It's how it is it's how the game remains entertaining IMHO.
That said both Fox and Cockayne have issues when it comes to decision making in defence as indeed do most British wingers - Hall is currently the best for me. However only the truly great wingers don't and Fox is not and never will be a great RL winger. However he scores a lot of tries, he entertains, he's brave even if he times it wrong on occasion. I like both of them and I reckon they are the best we can get for now but I clearly recognise they both have limitations - most Trinity players do.
We won, Foxy scored and he let a poor one in - I've seen Trinity wingers have worse nights