Quote nottinghamtiger="nottinghamtiger"Not technically, no. The foul play is "contact with the neck or head", regardless of the ball-carriers body position.'"
Are you a politician 'cos you're very good at being "economical with the truth"?
I think the words that you inadvertently left out of your definition are, ..."makes contact with the head or neck of an opponent
intentionaly. carelessley or recklessly"
Semi's challenge might have been high but was neither intentional, nor reckless nor careless. For what it's worth it was also a powder puff of a clip that even I would have survived without too much effect.
The linesman and ref made mistakes that led to your try. You got the rub of the green on this occasion and I'm cool with that - it happens in all games to all teams (it even happened to us once in 2002 I think it was

). I can live with the fact that we lost - I was pleased with the way we played but I thought you (well, Chase) played slightly better. I guess, as always, that we'll all have to agree to differ over the incident but please just accept you were lucky, you got away with it and came away witht he points.