Just a bit of heads up but the next couple of days, Thursday 15th & Friday 16th December, are going to very interesting day's (especially for the layman, if you know what I mean

) at the PI and would hope that some of you would be able to make it down to view proceedings?
Tomorrow Leeds City Council will present it's two witnesses against the Newmarket scheme, David Stainsby - Leeds City Council highways department & Sue Speak of LCC's planning department. It would be good if they had to justify their objections to a full room!
Friday is a big day and this is the first day of two that the public can give evidence to the inspector! The supporters of the scheme are up on Friday, starting with some bloke called Jonathan Stone of Residents FOR Newmarket, followed by Phil Townsend of SWAG, Ian Bramley of the Supporters Trust, Cllr Clive Hudson - Stanley Outwood East Cllr and Mohammed Ayub of Next Generation (the Asian community group hoping to keep Lightwaves open and supporting Newmarket!).
On Tuesday morning Peter Bevills of Wakefield FC will speak. Tuesday afternoon will see the public objector to the scheme present their case to the inspector.
It would be great to see plenty of support in the Inquiry room in the Town Hall over the next couple of days, especially on Friday when we speak.
The day starts at 10am and breaks for lunch around 1pm. Afternoon session starts at 2pm till around 5pm. You can however pop in whenever and leave whenever.
It would be great to see plenty of supporting faces!