Quote snowie="snowie"at what stage is saints with theirs, has any work been done or is it just in plans yet ? '"
We've been a bit delayed because Taylor Wimpey almost went belly up and they are buying the Knowsley Road site (at a cost to them of £8 million, which they are not liking at present because although it was worth that at the time of signing contracts, it isn't worth that at the moment, and they are still weak financially). Tesco is the strongest link in the project as they are making squillions in profit.
Government money awarded to the project has financed a substantial clearance work of the new site. That will need to continue as it is a contaminated site (chemicals, glass, etc) and there are some safety works required (there is a mine shaft somewhere on it, for instance). Also, an access road needs to be completed. A planned walkway has recently been completed.
Complex designs are being finished this month and it should be next month when the work goes out to tender. Building work is due to begin in December of this year, which is behind the original schedule but all going well, it will keep to the new schedule.
The original completion date was late 2010, moving in for the start of the 2011 season. However, although that is still what we are aiming for apparently, we may have to find a new home for a while to bridge the gap. Widnes, perhaps?