Quote 666="666"
Question: How can either 'Rach' of 'Guess Who' continue to support a failed organisation (by which I mean the RFL)? You ask me for reasons so I believe that you should also provide reasons for your comments.
In no way did I show support for the RFL in my post , who IMHO at times have made a complete and utter testicles up of running the game in this country..
I meerly took you to task over the quote you made regarding the usual clap trap around percieved bias towards the expansion clubs by the RFL and its effect on the struggling 'established' clubs ..[i 'Is this a cunning plan by the RFL to ensure the demise of long-established Clubs for the benefit of EXPANSION?'
As i said repeating myself yet I can't speak for Toronto or Toulouse regarding RFL but the other 'expansion' teams , the Southern Clubs , South Wales and Newcastle receive
exactly the same 'support' from the RFL as any another M62 league 1 club...
For a lot of these clubs whilst the success on the field will take time to establish and in many case not having a steady pool of players on their doorsteps will always hinder that , Ive seen this season some cracking initiatives off the field by these clubs looking to strengthen their position. Skolars adding to their successful season the field have worked with the local authority to see new community facilities built at the New River , Newcastle and Coventry continue to build stronger links ups with the local RU sides (Cougars game at the Ricoh and Thunder 4000 attendence Friday Night before Magic Weekend great examples) .All Golds through the hard work of the visionary Lionel Hirst have the tie up with the University producing players , access to quality media and performance facilities.I don't doubt they will have received help and advice from the RFL along the way , but the initiatives have to come from the clubs themselves ,If you don't ask you don't don't get .
Even my 'adopted' club this season Hemel despite their lowly league position , are in a stronger position than most,owning and creating revenue from their 'community owned ' club and ground (shares available if anyones interested

). bar open seven nights a week with regular events on , two open age sides and juniors from under 7s to 17s playing out of there, darts teams , five a side football using the MUGA , community groups using it as a meeting room , weddings, funeral , bar mitzvahs

etc etc . The league 1 side is only a small part of all that ...
Even going back to the 'Heartlands Clubs ' , Hunslet , Barrow and Rochdale , when things have got tough the supporters got off their s stepped up and did something to save their clubs (with the help of Supporters Direct) and now all seem to be doing nicely thank you ...
If you are that concerned step away from behind the keyboard and go do something about it ,go personally ask the directors what they are doing to up the crowds ,spread the word, put up match posters ,encourage your mates down to Cougar Park... whatever ....(the Fev faithful built two whole stands for God sake !!) .....