Massive day for our club and town today, Ive made my feelings quite clear over the course of the season regarding our coach and board but hand on heart no matter what my opinions are on certain individuals all that aside I have everything crossed that we stay up. For me it would be a sad day for us to be relagated. This is our cup final day for me and every player has to put every ounce of skill. energy and effort into todays game. They must go out and put their bodies on the line for our club.
Reading papers the club are stating that if we stay up today Marchy has had a successful two years in charge

Now on paper this year it reads we have reached a quater final in the challenge cup and avoided relegation but for me its not been that great. As numerous folk have said we should have not even be in this position. If we had done our job properly then we should be sat safe ready to bank some decent coin, look at the games we have thrown away or no disrespect to any teams but look at the games we should have won. I am no fan of the RFL at times I think they are ruining the game in this country but Im sick of hearing excuses now, what ever the outcome today we cant blame the RFL for that we only have our selfs to blame, if we had done our job properly then the decision to relegate five teams, the points debate wouldn't have effected us.
Many will have heard rumours flying around in the town, its only a small town. Players not turning up to training, players behind on wages etc has that played its part. The thing that worries me is if we cant afford to pay wages in this league then we dont stand a chance next year especially since we banked around 40k from the challenge cup that should have set us up for the rest of the year which fawcett stated them words in the KN so where has all that gone
The last thing that has baffled me is why give a coach a two year extension to his contract when you dont actually know if your up or down I only hope the club used their brains and there is a clause in there stating there is a period or a break within the contract come the end of the season that the club can part company if wanted. My opinion the guy that has got us through this year is Paul Royston without him we would have been up the creek without a paddle.
Like i said good luck boys please lets stay up and hope keighley turn out in great numbers but if I have to honest I dont have a good feeling about this. I cant see us beating fev or claiming a bonus point but then knowing us we'll get up for this game which I hope we do. Got a feeling cougar park will turn into fevs ground today with the numbers they'll bring.
Come on cougars lets pleeeeeaaaasssee stay up