Quote Stu M="Stu M"I thought it was just Saints fans that had an issue with Kendall?
Ridiculous to say that the broken ankle is a result of the swinging arm, thats just bad luck. Seconds before Lees drops the ball that leads to his swinging arm, Ritson is hit high and Saints get the penalty. Direct contact to the head but no Salford player is up before the MRP.
Every time someone is guilty of a high shot, if the opponent falls as a result then are they all at risk of breaking an ankle? Wright has just had bad luck in this instance but how that can be linked to a direct result of his tackle is a joke.
Sironen's late hit was described by Kendall in his chat with Roby as 50/50. He was fully committed yet is hit by a 1 game ban. I don't believe that there are no other similar hits in any other SL game.'"
the problem you've got Stu (in this instance) is you are on a Wigan board and the majority will see it differently to you as a Saints fan, and it works the other way round too, when it comes to Wigan indiscretions

However, in general, you assessment of the MRP / some refs is fair. It is baffling sometimes, that someone you expect to see up there isnt, and equally, ones you dont notice during a game are up there and get a ban
Re Sironen, he has history, and was up for 3 in the MRP, so there was a good chance he was going to cop a ban and equally Lees, has been sin binned a couple of times this year, with no fault found so to speak, but then no ban. So from that perspective, you can sort of understand some of the frustration from Saints fans, but sin binning doesnt necessarily mean ban incoming
The margins this year in particular with regards to the late hits are so fine its untrue. However, i watched the Wigan v Leeds game back last night whilst riding my bike, and listened to the commentary when Tetavano got sent off. All the former players, were of the opinion he could have pulled out and it was unnecessary to hit Smith. I didnt think it was nasty, but marginally late, and it did end up a bit high. He has copped a 2 game ban for it too, so the MRP must have considered it bad enough to warrant that.
i also agree with your comment about high hit and broken ankle. Unfortunately, thats bad luck and not an expected injury from a high shot.