Quote Gazwire="Gazwire"come on saints! agree massively with the first poster. with a bit of luck you'll ironically be eating some humble pie. it was a great game last
night and we lost. most wire and rl fans in general will have a good old mgguire smirk if you go out tonight. come on you saints.'"
Only a smirk? We've laughing our nuts off since last night at your epic failure. Laughing at the "We're going to win the Grand Final anyway" statement on your website in August, laughing at your "Championeees" chants after winning the hub cap, laughing at the Grand Final tickets for sale on e-bay this morning, laughing at your "we'll pick Leeds" decision and laughing at your "we mullered Quins and Cas so we'll breeze the Grand Final" attitude.
If we get beat tonight you can have your little smirk, we'll still be laughing our nuts off at you.