Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"But your avoided giving us your thoughts on caught in possession and drink driving. Or is that a bridge too far?'"
RG, you should know better, oh hang on i forgot you never ever get things wrong, you are the paragon of virtue.
as you may have tried to point out certain crimes are not covered by the RFL including drink driving or possession of drugs or ing people (drivers) of buses, and are therefore only dealt with by the criminal justice system, others like taking drugs are banned in our sport. can you therefore see the difference. you may have a strong moral opinion about the criminal actions of rugby players but who gives a poop for your opinion? tbh you are biased, just as i am! so this pointless bickering just gets us nowhere.
lets agree on one thing?
rugby players are human and make mistakes and therefore if they make mistakes that break laws who are we to sit in judgement? let he without sin and all that...
unless you've never broken a law in your life stop judging others and get on with the job of enjoying the greatest game!
i must confess your blinkered approach to our game does make me chuckle at times rogues