Quote - Neil -="- Neil -"Goulding is the prime example of a Wigan lad not getting a fair go.
As I have said and Barlow mentioned, last week he had and unfit Karl Pryce on one side and Tim Smith who big time got found out for being poor defensively...he does not deserve to be dropped.'"
Very well said Neil

I have only just joined but have read this board for a long time and some of the posts on this thread make me embarrased to be a Wigan fan.
I can’t believe some of the stick that Goulding seems to get on here week in, week out. It is always by the same 2 or 3 people and no matter how he plays they will always focus on a negative or just make up one if they can’t. With some people it almost seems like it is for personal reasons than rugby ones. The funny thing is that these people will probably do the same thing to Tomkins and Ainscough in a year or two.
Against Hull he was easily amongst the best players and totally outplayed Yeaman but still got stick. I seriously doubt if some that gave him stick on here after that game even went to it. Against Castleford he again was one of the better players and saved Smith on numerous occasions but again the same few posters on here are blaming him for things that weren’t even his fault. Based on his 2 games so far he has been one of the better players and does not deserve to be dropped, or the ridiculous criticism. He has definitely played better than the other centre Carmont, who has been anonymous, but not a mention of that on here. Maybe it is because he is not a Wigan youngster.
Smith was shocking and in all my years watching rugby it was quite possibly the worst performance that I have seen by any player. He was at fault for all the problems down the right side but some seem to ignore that and try and blame Goulding instead. If you saw Cullen’s analysis on Boots N all he got it spot on. An unfit Smith that cant tackle coupled with an unfit Karl Pryce on the same side is just asking for trouble.
Goulding yet again has been made the scapegoat by Noble because he has to be seen to drop someone. It always seems to be the youngsters like Goulding, Prescott, O’Carroll and McIlorum it happens to, maybe they just wont stand up to him like the senior players will.