Fantastic news. Just what we needed ahead of the play-offs and I'm sure the timing is deliberate, well done all at the club!
We have secured the services of the finest LF in the British game, a great leader, a Wiganer through and through and (I don't say this lightly) one of the greatest servants of this club.
He shouldered the burden of the captaincy in an era when the club was at a low ebb and has suffered constant comparisons with his brother in law rather than being judged on his own merits. Over the years he has had to endure abuse not only from the usual Wigan hating obsessives (I'll never forget the posts on this board prior to the series against the Kiwis in which Lockers played very well indeed which said he wasn't even good enough for SL!) but also, and disgracefully, from many deluded Wigan fans.
He has come through all that and even his demotion to being one of a leadership group by doing what he does best, getting on with the job, trying his best in every game and leading by example.
Well done Lockers! I hope to see him lifting the SL trophy once again, there really is no captain in SL who would deserve it more.