Sorry but have I missed something..................Mcguire's injury caused him to grab onto Carmont ?
I have AGAIN watched the replay and this is how it happened....Richards breaks down the wing, Carmont backs him up on the inside, Mcguire grabs Carmont, Mcguire catches Catches Carmonts foot and than as a result Hyper extends his knee joint !
That article is incinuating that Mcguire grabbed Carmont "as a gut reaction after becoming injured" ABSOLUTE BULLSHYTE .....He grabbed Carmont to stop him supporting Richards end of. Had he not grabbed Carmont then he would not have got injured.
Just another whining Rhino trying to stoke the fire for Saturday.

That article has made me lose some of the respect I had for Peacock really

Funny how he forgets to mention the big sh i t house cheapshot merchant prop he plays with, for his "unsportmanlike behaviour"