3 games before we disappear from London until July.....2 of these are must win.
Bradford: This has a chance to be bigger than the opener against Widnes in terms of attracting fans. The club has 3 and a bit weeks to figure out how to get this from a probable gate of 1,500, to an achievable 2,500. But How?
Unblock all social media users immediately. These fans aren't just 'keyboard warriors' but long time Season Ticket Holders who deserved better. They have also dragged many friends and family to games and if it were me, they should each receive 10 free tickets to this game.
Apple launched the first Ever I-pad on April 3rd 2010. Get on the phone and ask if they'd like to celebrate by giving us 5 I-pads in return for Match Day sponsorship.....we could push their Apple TV offer hard to our base and have the prizes drawn at half time.
[url=https://lovewimbledon.org/whatson/cheerleading-course/GET THIS LOT ENGAGED[/url as well as revive Buck'n'Dusty
Free Kids Entry for every adult ticket bought
Push this to the Bulls NOW
Figure out how to hold a post match interview with the coach in the Pub or at least show it on TV screens downstairs
Book a Band for outside the Pub post game
[url=https://news.merton.gov.uk/about-my-merton-magazine/BUY A FULL PAGE IN THIS[/url offering $10 tickets for locals and free kids for all three of these games in return for their contact details. More expensive than a door drop, but 80,000+ houses hit locally has to be good.
Revisit the schools and amateur clubs we've touched through the community team and get them back.
In short, put on a show......let's not just stick posts in the ground and plead with fans to come along on twitter.
Dewsbury & Newcastle. both these games need a repeat of the above with a May Day theme for the first with Morris Dancers an whatever and maybe something to do with the RAF as its the anniversary of the Royal Air Corp............
Point is, we've ALL seen the trajectory of the crowds. Our first 3 at Griffin park were all near enough the same (4,200), Our first 6 at Stoop II were all pretty alike (3,500) with the exception off a HUGE gate for the St Helens opener, the first 6 were all about 1k at the Hive, then they gave up counting at Trailfinders fo a while....but it's fair to say 1k or lower was the first couple of years before back in SL we averaged 2k over the first 6 games.....but our first 3 here have seen a drop of 40%
Odds are the club will do nothing, citing no money, no staff etc, but this is the reality. Dewsbury and Newcastle are bolted on sub 1k's with Bradford a comfortable 1,500 thanks to away fans. We then vanish for 7 weeks before returning to another sub 1k gate befor a hammering at the hands of Fev that nobody will want to pay to watch....by the time we return we may well already have one foot in League 1.......and that really will be a hard sell!