Quote jools="jools"And you are just Wrong- I asked a genuine question because I didn’t know what the ruling was.
You are also wrong in that the clock running down is never enforced -we have had a player removed from the field for the clock running down at a scrum. So the outcome in a drop out clock running down is different. But at least I now know the rule.
See I like to know the rules- It means I didn’t have any problem understanding the decisions the ref made- even though I didn’t agree they were always the right decision, i at least, unlike you it seems, had an inkling what was going on. I like to learn and understand the rules of the game I’m watching-I’m funny like that. It means I don’t then have to admit like you have I don’t understand what’s going on. Or boo the ref for a correct call I just didn’t understand.'"
You like to know the rules of the game your watching yet it’s took you until the ninth game of the season to ask about the rule haha. All rules were released before the season started you could have just read them