Quote jools="jools"The forum- and in fact the world would be a very boring place if everyone had the same opinions about everything. No one likes a good “debate” more than me- without an opposing opinion I wouldn’t get one!
I’m quite forthright in my own opinions but by the same token I want others with opposite views to voice theirs just as noisily! I never take offence of someone doesn’t agree with me- I just shout a bit louder
I couldn't agree more, A forum is not a mutual admiration society, some people need to get into the real world. Everyone has their opinion and i for one like to hear them, even the ones i don't agree with. I think the reason the club gets so much criticism is that it seems so poorly run and the impression comes across of not believing we can live with the big boys.
Steve May made a good point about Ken Davy , I think he was right, no one can fault the financial support he has put into the club but it takes more than that, I buy a season ticket and i go to the odd away game when i can, so even though i can be critical with the best of them i still keep going down
I hope Daz comes back on when he's thought about it a bit, there are few enough posters without losing them, Ive had my disagreements with Daz on the board, but nothing to bother about and i have never let it bother me because it's never serious, It's a rugby league club, nothing life or death about it, certainly not worth leaving the board over mate so get yourself back, we are all supporters, and we all know exactly what's best for the club