Quote wishy="wishy"Yeah I know it's the council digging their heals in this share deal, but I can't say I blame them after giving Town a massive loan to save them from going bust!!! I also know that the Giants would also be screwed if Town ever relocated, but the question was should the Giants look for their own place? Also it isn't the Giants hampering this share deal is it and yet the Town fans are blaming Ken Davy for stalling it!'"
Yes I know but without Town the ground can't opeerate as it does now. The fact that Town fans blame Davy is just shortsighted really. Successful Town and Giants teams are important for raising the profile of the Town so the Council need to consider the damage that would be done should this situation carry on.
Quote wishy="wishy"I know theres a lot of Town haters on here but just read Towns forum! Theres also no resentment of Town sharing the stadium whereas there certainly is from a lot of Town fans! A minority granted but still a lot!! I would say a majority of Giants fans really appreciate their home, yes they may not like the emptiness, but it's 20 years since they left Fartown where the crowds were not exactly large!!'"
I'm a Town fan and as you can guess I support another Rugby league team to the Giants. But I get sick of having to correct my fellow terriers on some of the ignorant garbage I have to listen to sometimes. The worst was when Davy owned both clubs (which was really stupid considering he saved Town from going out of business). When you've had to explain the salary cap in reply to the comment "How can he afford a top flight Rugby league team and then claim he's putting everything he can into Town?" for the 50 millionth time it starts to get a bit boring. Especially when you don't even support Giants. So I know where you are coming from. It's the same in Bradford most people like to see both clubs in a good position but you get people on both sides who seem to gain pleasure from seeing the other team doing badly and again the animosity seems to centre around where each team plays. Also like Hudds the BCFC forum is a lot worse.
Quote wishy="wishy"For Dean Hoyle to relocate Town it would be cutting off his nose to spite his face tbh!! Plus where exactly could they relocate in Huddersfield? Just look at the outcry of our council giving Tesco's permission to tear down their delapidated 60's built supermarket and relocate to the bottom of northumberland street!!! Yet our council are pretty much behind the times dilly dally on every planning application!!'"
Lindley Moor

they're planning on building everything else up there.