Quote chissitt="chissitt"As I have already stated a lot of people know what you are implying but choose to either ignore it or let it die. You for some reason want to ressurrect the rumour which is over 6 month old and that is what it is unless of course you want to replace it with facts as requested by gj, if you can then please furnish proof if only for the sake of your own credibility which at this moment imo you dont have, If you want to come on a forum as the all singing all dancing man in the know then do so with some earth shattering news hth'"
The reason was that i was giving my opinion as to why DB would not be joining the Giants... I didn't resurect anything.
If my opinion insn't needed or wanted, and you think because i'm new to writing on the board (been a long time watcher)that im professing to be the fountain of all knowlege with Giants news (which i'm not), again we have a reason why new posters are seldom found on this board.
I only know what i know, and dont need or seek anyones backing to know my own credability.