Quote Curly Wurly="Curly Wurly"Had a great night despite Oldham losing. The only thing that marred our night out was the attempted segregation of the fans by the Stewards. Many fans like to change ends at Halftime and quite a few of us got up and walked down to the other side of the Stand, passing a load of Fev fans in the process of doing the same. On arriving in the seats we had chosen, we were informed by a few Stewards that we couldnt do this and we would have to go back to our original seats. When asked why, we were told "Dont argue, just do it or we will throw you out".
On hearing this, I produced my ticket and informed the Steward nearest to me that it said `UNRESERVED SEATING` which meant I could sit anywhere I wanted in the stand. They still insisted that we went back, stating that they were in their rights to do so. When asked why again, they said it was just in case we started to fight with the Fev fans. We had about 6 or 7 Fev fans stood near us and they couldnt believe what they were hearing. How long have these people worked there?. Are they mistaking us for Football hooligans?. Genuine Rugby League fans behave impeccably and every team has a group of Dipsticks who, unfortunately spoil it for the rest of us but the Majority of the fans are a credit to their Club. After we had convinced them that we was`nt going to start scrapping, they relented and left us alone.
I`ve heard one of your Coaches had a brick thrown through its window when you were at the CMS recently and your Stewards may have been asked to keep an eye on the visiting Fev fans but can someone have a word with them and ask them to ease back on the heavy handed security. Segregation doesnt work in Rugby League and if forced upon fans, can cause more aggravation than is warrented.'"
good job the north stand wasn't open then, because woe betide if you step on a yellow line .......