Quote Starbug="Starbug"The point of my original post seems to have been twisted for some reason , Yes I had to make other arrangements to get home but nowhere in my post did I complain or show any annoyance about that
So please read what is there not what you think is there
I will bow down to our more informed poster on what the officers have to do and I do have the utmost respect for the sometimes very difficult job they do
I am not one of these people that will always refer to any police vehicle with flashing lights and siren as " being late for his tea " as I have heard on countless times from others
I know what I saw and there were people much more agitated with it than me
I'll leave it there as nothing is now being served other than one or two people seemingly trying to score points'"
Let's look at your original post then.
Quote Starbug="Starbug"People does it take to change a light bulb ?
Not sure but I would guess 1'"
Not the best way to start a post about someone losing their life. Admittedly, you didn't know tht at the time, but some kinnd of thought prior to posting may have been in order.
Quote Starbug="Starbug"
But to answer the question ' How many policemen/women does it take to attend a road incident ?
At least 20 it would seem
There has been a incident on Leigh bridge tonight and somebody has been seriously injured or worse '"
I think this has been clarified.
Quote Starbug="Starbug"But you have to wonder why when there are already 6 police vehicles and an ambulance in attendance on one side of the bridge with at least a dozen police personnel we get yet another vehicle charging up depositing yet 2 more officers to walk around talking to each other
I dont know how many vehicles/police personnel were on the other side of the bridge but no doubt there were some'"
Same again, think this has been clarified.
Quote Starbug="Starbug"Yes I understand the need to collect all the relevant information but after seeing what was happening we had half the greater manchester police there tonight , many turning up 30 minutes after the original incident '"
Yup, same again, think I've sorted this one.
Quote Starbug="Starbug"All the tells me is that either they have little else to concern them or they are all trying to avoid incidents elsewhere
I have nothing to say about this one!
So I don't think anything has been twisted. I read entirely what was there and replied to it, but I thank you for appreciating the difficult job the Police undertake day in day out.
I cannot stress enough that I am not trying to score points!!
This is something I feel strongly about and will fight for and defend until I am out of breath. I have been in the Police 7 years and am only 26. I have witnessed some of the most horrendous things, that I never wish to see again, but am sure I will.
I continue to parade on at all hours of the day to serve the public, hoping that little old me is making a difference when many members of the public are offering a constant feeling of hatred and loathing daily. I have been abused, I have been assaulted, I have had all manner of things done to me. I do not claim to be a martyr, as I know Officers who have been through more than me and people who do a far more dangerous job than me. I only wish to highlight the enormity of the task in hand for Police Officers.
I am not sayiing that the people on this thread are some of these people, but I hope they would understand why I wish to defend myself and the other thousands of brave Officers nation and world wide.
I hope this is the end of this debate (please feel free to private message me if you require further info) and that people will spare a thought for the family and friends of the poor man who lost his life and unwittingly inspired this thread.
Now lets get back to talking about rugby!!!!