Quote rubber duckie="rubber duckie"Perhaps I live a sheltered life because I can’t even think of a possible word for an ‘s-bomb’, never mind knowing it!'"
Think of a previously-used term for some mentally disabled people, that was also used as a regular playground insult to friends/enemies until about (20-ish?) years ago. A word that is rightly considered abhorrent now, but one that most of us have used in a non-targeted manner in the past or in our younger days.
It’s funny what can come out of people’s mouths in the heat of the moment when you’re emotionally charged. I don’t believe for one moment that any of the holier-than-thou board members on here would be quite so angelically eloquent and self-righteous should they come home to find some travellers had set up camp in their back garden. Am I wrong? I would love to put that to the test… and I have absolutely no problems with the travelling community of course, just making a point about human nature and how emotions work, and the way that manifests in vocal outbursts.