Quote Bald[size=50p[/sizeRick="Bald[size=50p[/sizeRick"You just know they are going to have a go at you about how they now have 'your' cup . So why not get in first with something like :
Shove the Challenge Cup and Wembley up your arriss
Shove the Challenge Cup and Wembley up your arriss
Shove the Challenge Cup and Wembley
The Challenge Cup and Wembley
The Challenge Cup and Wembley up your arriss
Thanks for your support last weekend . Much appreciated . And big thanks to the Wire fans that travelled down with us and the ones we spoke to while there . Found them all to be very decent folk both last year and this year . None of them showed the arrogance of what appears to be the majority of the Wigan fans .
I know it will take some doing , but I am rather hoping you smash them this weekend and get your biggest scoreline of the season . It might just bring some of them back to reality .'"
What an absolute bitter bellend,proven to be a trouble causer in the past and still trying now.........