I get the feeling the RFL will wash their hands of Crusaders, now.
They've only been existance for a handfull of years, and they FAST-tracked them into SL, only for them to
Go into administration
Abuse the Visa system
withdraw their license at the 11th hour
made monkey's out of high profile people (to the sporting world) Harris, Thomas and now Senior
generally fail to live upto expectations.
Using a really 5H1T3 analogy (with tongue firmly in cheek, from the times I've seen it), it's a bit like Coronation Street's Vera Duckworth. No matter how many times "R Terry" disgraces himself, she always forgives him, until "R Terry" pushes his luck too far, and Vera will no longer forgive him. This will be the RFL's 'Vera moment' (told you it was a 5h1te analogy

One thing still puzzles me, tho
Brian Noble, very successful SL era coach, goes there (maybe with a little encouragement from the RFL) and they overacheive in their first season together, and get to the play-offs. He then jacks the job in immediately, with no other job to go to (save summarising on TV).......did he know something?