Quote sir adrian morley="sir adrian morley"jeepers..theres floods in pakistan,an earthquake in new zealand,we have a visit from some geezer called the pope who spoke about child abuse,soldiers being shot in afghanistan(and some injured or killed),theres a fair old bit of unemployment in this country..and a cretin like you is getting all worked up about us winning the challenge cup and some of the words used to describe it....calm down la calm down..'"
How do you know me exactly? How do you know that I don't know people who have died in the Pakistan floods or in combat in the Middle East?
You sir are the cretin and a crass and insensitive one at that. Any Wolves fan who comes out with the phrase 'Challenge Cup Champions' instead of winners or holders is just displaying their blazing lack of intelligence. It's sounds ridiculous, it is ridiculous and all the Wire fans using the phrase just sound idiotic.
Even some of your own fans think its cringeworthy. I just hope whether you win it again next year, or whoever does, just doesn't carry on using the phrase.
It needs to die a quick death like your campaign to reach Old Trafford and win the league for the 1st time since my dad was a nipper.