I love those opposition fans who have two juxtapositions when talking about MK.
They usually spend the first half saying these things:
Clown/Cowcash/CarCrash/{Insert variant on 'hilarious' name gags}/Only interested in himself/embarrassing/deluded/off within a season/Needs to go slowly/Needs to go fast/needs to show respect/giant ego etc etc etc
They then finish off the post with a line or two saying these things:
Good for the game/Good for Salford/But I'm a fan of MK/Good to see him rattling cages/Good to see him keeping RL in the Media.
It's like people feel the need to present two contradictory viewpoints, and it makes me chuckle. It's like me having a rant about Hitler being evil and how he was driven to do terrible things in the name of his own ideals. But he had lovely hair, and he always said please and thank you.