Quote Ruune Rebellion="Ruune Rebellion"She went out with the girls for the first time in 6 months so now I should put my foot down! Listen, Wayne always has a pop about me not going to games but my family comes first. We try and get on 2-3 family holidays a year so I don’t have much disposable income so can’t go to many games but Wayne loves to have a pop at me about it!'"

wow you manage 2-3 holidays a year wish I could even dream of an holiday and for going out I can't remember that last time I even had a evening out with anyone so don't come whinging to me about being skint,
for the past 2 yr I been on the sick and can't for see me even getting back into employment and that's having to sell my business with 6 yrs to go to retirement its not a pretty position to be in and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy so stop your whining and think yourself lucky to at least enjoy your holidays
and do us all a favour and stop your constant whinging on here as you'll look back and realise your a first class ***t