Quote Judder Man="Judder Man"I reckon the game needs cleaning up first to increase intensity in matches. There is too much time wasting and conning the ref during the game these days, the PTB is a total mess and probably needs a few rule changes in these areas. It's not a consistent high pulsating game anymore and not very attractive to promote as an exciting dynamic sport.'"
That's purely down to how strict the ref's are.
It can be stopped instantly if that is what the game wants to happen and it's got naf all to do with how many clubs are in the top flight.
The reasons given for reducing the number of clubs in SL was to increase the intensity in the weekly rounds but, the demise in form of Leeds and Huddersfield (plus maybe, Saints) has let everyone else off the hook and we have seen very few games so far, where both competing teams have been at the top of their game for the full 80. Maybe it will happen in the super 8's but, if this is the case, then, this is no different to the old play offs.
This may be an early indicator that the new system is not working as expected.
Clearly, every minute doesn't matter. However, we have seen THE most unpredictable season in SL history and perhaps in RL history.
Going back to how many clubs should be in the top flight. Again, the game must have a strategy for expansion and growth of the game and not just make it up as we go and the governing body needs to sell the idea to the current fans of the game and then to new fans but, don't hold your breath.
It wont happen.