Quote The Changing Man="The Changing Man"RWC 2015 seems to be a hot topic on a number of Rugby League forums. This would appear to be a strange phenomenon that is unique to League as I have scanned a number of Union and soccer forums looking for paranoid rants back when RLWC 2013 was on and can't find any.....
Why is it that RL fans of a certain ilk feel the need to deride Rugby Union in regards to the spectacle they are currently running across England and Wales? They are averaging 50,000+ per game, England got 8 million TV viewers at the weekend and from what little I have seen on TV, the fans seem to be enjoying themselves?
We all are of the opinion that Union is a slow and ponderous game and pales into insignificance when compared to League, but the REALITY IS that the general public, when faced with the opportunity to attend or tune into International Rugby Union will do so in far greater numbers than will do so for League. Rather than try to score points against the bigger and better run sport which is more popular with comments like "the Emperor's New Clothes"why not accept it for what it is....a tournament that is light years of anything we could ever hope to produce. It's slick, it's seamless and it has, regardless of your one eyed opinion, captured the attention of a fair chunk of the population.'"
They make it a must attend event not the rfl its scared of telling people we exist,love the fact they spun the line 450 million world wide watched the opening ceremony but only 8 million in this country so that leaves 442 million other people to tune in

big TV viewers in aus,Namibia? The whole of Samoa ? Ah must be Argentina,great spin by them nearly as good as 3.1 billion watched the last final

half the world's population its still on the BBC website

its about time the rfl thought big time for once