Quote Magic Superbeetle="Magic Superbeetle"Okay, I think a few things need to be cleared up here.
a) I'm fairly certain that no one on here would condone homophobic behaviour on the rugby pitch. Speaking for myself, I spent a lot of time working with the lgbt society at university, and is something I consider important.
b) that doesn't mean to say, even assuming that those were the words hardaker shouted, means he's being homophobic. It can (and is on a very regular basis) used as a generic insult - and yes is regularly used in youth games between teams up and down the country - verbals are an important part of the psychology game. If it was specifically aimed at someone of that persuasion then it becomes a lot more serious, as it's intent looks a lot more homophobic. The only reason it matters whether it was directed at child is that ref verbals are unacceptable, homophobic or not.
c) abuse is not acceptably on any level, homophobic, xenophobic or anything else. But verbals are part of the game - at 11 year old school games and all the way up. If the chosen vocab was meant as generic insult, to another player, there's nothing in this (except he was stupid enough to be caught on camera, which is a slap on the wrist) - if it was aimed at the ref, regardless of intent, there should be a disciplinary as the ref should command respect. If there was intent for the specific, homophobic, meaning then it is very serious. On the evidence shown so far, it's indeterminant which category it falls in. Yet, you've already acted as judge and jury on the matter.'"

Voice of reason.