Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"At last, a coach that makes a decent anagram!
'Laurent Frayssinous' gives:
"Ruinously sane farts."
"Furiously sane rants."
"Surely a transfusion."
"Strayers foul in anus."
"Fussy, ornate urinals."
"Uses tyrannous flair."
"Unfussy, anal rioters."
"Rules as if tyrannous."
"Usual Y-fronts arisen."
"Use Y-fronts as urinal."
"Tyrannosaurus files."
"Urines of surly Satan."
"Satan ruins yourself."
"Use Y-fronts as urinal."
"Larry in fatuousness."
"Earns ruinously fast."'"

Some great ones there!
Good luck to him, can't be much worse than most of the english ones